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Making It Possible - Day 3: David Stevenson

Our journey began in early 2021, when David experienced a fall at work, resulting in three cracked vertebras. The spinal surgeon assessed the presenting issues of dropped toes and difficulty walking, which were not associated with his back injury. A nerve conduction study in November 2022 determined ALS was the diagnosis. This diagnosis was devastating; we quickly realized we needed to cancel all travel plans and begin to look for activities we could enjoy closer to home.  We began the uphill climb of our mountain. 


Our introduction to The ALS Society and all the ALS support teams occurred during our first appointment at the ALS Clinic. This visit provided both of us with a wealth of information and support. We have relied on the expertise of the Clinic Doctors and staff, the community OT, and the Nurse Practitioner to help us learn about the treatment options and equipment available to assist us as David's abilities change. The equipment and support provided by The ALS Society of Alberta have been extremely helpful; the quick access to large and expensive equipment has allowed us to be able to remain in our family home with limited additional help. This continues to support the outcome David and I are hoping for. 


An ALS diagnosis is devasting, and the journey is an “uphill battle”. However, you do not have to carry the load alone. The ALS Society of Alberta and the ALS Clinic offer support covering everything including medical needs, emotional needs, and equipment needs. This wealth of support is widely available and easily accessible, and the teams are willing to help you carry the load. We are grateful for all the support available and will continue to access these as we need.


David and Gloria