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Making It Possible - Day 7: Maureen LeBoeuf

My mom, Maureen LeBoeuf received her ALS diagnosis in March of 2021.


It is easy when you think of this disease to be filled with sadness, anger, uncertainty, and loss…and each of those emotions has a rightful place within the experience of this disease.


However, I would encourage you to also understand and see that this disease magnifies other emotions and experiences as well. Like the love of a family, the strength and bond of a brother and sister working together to provide the care required for a mother that was always there for them, or the unfiltered love between a husband and a wife who have spent the last 56 years building a family and life together.


It is possible, that many would never see the passionate work of complete strangers who provide guidance, encouragement, vital equipment and support with loving patience and a seemingly never-ending supply of energy like Stephanie and the ALS Society.


From the outside, those unaffected by ALS may only see the burden of this disease which at times can be overwhelming. The stress and anxiety can be crippling, the emotional pain devastating…But with the help of organizations like the ALS Society and the amazing individuals who do far more than just work there, you come to understand that you are not alone, my family came to understand we are not alone and I came to understand that I am not alone.  


You see, together our weaknesses are lessened, our strengths are fortified and our love is multiplied. When you think of my mom or my family it would be easy to allow the darker feelings to dominate.  


However, I would ask you not to dwell on this but instead to see the many examples of strength, support, love, and joy that this experience is blessing us with. Although there are hard moments, please know that as a family we do not feel drained, or burdened. We do not feel tired and weak or sad and lonely…in fact, quite the opposite. We feel energized and strong, we feel calm and centred, and we feel loved and loving.


Since my mom's diagnosis, this has been our focus. Wherever this journey takes us, know that the human spirit is resilient and those that fight against this disease will not tire, we will not stumble, and we will not lose our focus. We determine what to focus on and the meaning that we will attach to it.


There are not enough thanks my family can give to the ALS Society for their support and guidance during my mom's ALS journey. You are seen and you are appreciated. ❤️


-The LeBoeuf family.