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Making It Possible - Day 6: Ross McGloan

Hi, my name is Ross McGloan. I am married to Lisa McGloan we have two children, Patricia (Chris) and Tyler (Megan). Together they have blessed us with 5 grandchildren.

My ALS journey started about 7 years ago. We had retired in Creston BC. I started having problems walking, shortness of breath and leg cramps. My doctor at the time wasn't sure what was wrong. We had decided to move back to Alberta in Langdon, near our children. My doctor here sent me to an ENT doctor because I was losing my sense of smell. He then sent me to a neurologist, he did an EMG which confirmed my ALS diagnosis. Lisa and I were both sad and in shock, knowing what the outcome would be. My aunt had passed away from the same disease 30 years ago. That’s when we were introduced to the ALS Society and ALS Clinic.

Lisa and I are so grateful to the ALS Society for their love, support, and generosity. Through their equipment program, I have been able to enjoy quality time with my family and friends. The support and care received from the Clinic have helped in facing many challenges that come with this disease. They both truly care for your needs and the support given to your family. I am presently on Toferson injection in my spine once a month at the clinic. Lisa has not left my side, nor have my family and friends, which I am truly grateful for. We are enjoying family gatherings and looking forward to spending time outdoors. Please support Betty Run and/or the Walk Together for ALS to let the Society continue to help families like mine.

Looking forward to seeing all at the event.

Cheers, Ross