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Making It Possible Day 27 - Jody Round

In honour of my Dad, I have become an active part in helping plan the annual Edmonton Walk Together for ALS, becoming the Edmonton Walk Committee Chair.


My dad was diagnosed with ALS in the Summer of 2012. Watching him live with ALS and how great the Society was at helping every step of the way I knew this was an organization I had to be involved with.  They are genuine people who help those living with ALS live each day as best as they can. They supported our family so much by caring and making sure my dad had everything he needed to live each day the best that he could. My family will always be grateful to the Society for this. 


I will continue to help those living with ALS by being a part of the Edmonton Walk committee for as long as they will have me. I do hope for the day when there is no Walk and no money to be raised because they have found a cure. 


What a day that will be.