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Making It Possible Day 28 - Trevor Wright

Trevor has been our Equipment Coordinator for almost a year: 11 months as of July.


“My favourite memories are any time I get to deliver a piece of equipment to our clients and the many ways these items can positively impact not only our clients quality of life, but the whole family’s as well. The sense of freedom and independence these items can provide to our clients stresses how important the equipment loan program is and encourages me to strive to create the best program possible for our clients and families.


I got to deliver a manual wheelchair to a client, and seeing her face light up when we delivered a hot pink wheelchair, was one of the most fun and heartwarming moments. Not only were we able to provide a wheelchair that would fit her much better than one she currently had on loan, but she was over the moon with how fancy the hot pink wheelchair would make her look.


I’ve always found value in doing something to make a difference in the lives of others, particularly those facing increased adversity, and the ALS Society seemed like such a great place to contribute to that work. I am constantly astounded in the strength and support of the clients, families and staff going through this journey and really wanted to be a part of that. Getting to see, on a daily basis, the impact the Society can have is what keeps me waking up in the morning and coming to work. I couldn’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing.”