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Making It Possible Day 29 - Renee Maess

My name is Renee Maess and I came to the society just over a year ago. I had spent 13 years supporting kiddos and their families within the school board prior to coming here. I was able to advocate for families to receive much needed services for their children experiencing various physical and emotional challenges. My shift to working with adults has been such an amazing experience. The strength and resilience in people fighting ALS is something unimaginable to witness.


Having lost my own family member to a motor neuron disease, and seeing their need for services, I felt so privileged to become part of this organization. I get to participate in filling those gaps with equipment, peer support groups and advocacy. This year was my first opportunity to attend in-person events like the walks and the feeling of community there was so strong. I enjoyed seeing your smiling faces greet one another, and myself, after a year of meeting you over zoom at our coffee group. I am thankful for every hug you shared with me that day, every zoom I spend with you, and all the parts of your lives you choose to let me in on… when you have a new grandchild on the way… when you are joyful about having Burger Baron…when you have hard days and ‘just need a chat’.

I know this is supposed to tell you about me…why I am here… why I have stayed…? Because of you. This beautiful community you have all built.