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Making It Possible 2022- Thank You!

As we come to the end of ALS Awareness Month, and in turn our Making it Possible Series, we wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You.

Thank you for sharing your personal stories with the ALS community and “Making Possibilities”.

As we look back on June, thank you to all our event participants, Ambassadors, volunteers, committee members, donors and sponsors – you helped make our Walks and Runs during ALS Awareness month incredibly successful. Your continued support means that Albertans living with ALS can continue to have the ALS Society of Alberta in their corner while also funding research to help find a cure. We are still finalizing totals, and still have two walks to go in September. It has been great to be back in person.  

Making it Possible is a series that was created as a way for our families to share their stories. We are moved year after year by the positivity and hope shown by our community. They truly show the possibilities of life, even when living with ALS – of the joy, the sadness, the hope, and the love of family and friends. Our community teaches us every day about how to truly live, and strengthens our commitment to fulfil our mission – to make each day the best possible day for those living with and affected by ALS.