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Making it Possible - Della Kostyshen


My husband Ed was diagnosed with ALS on June 28, 2012, at the age of 73. He passed away at home on July 16, 2014.

After sharing the news with family and friends we realized that it was our support from those closest to us that was going to help us get the most out of the life Ed had left. Ed’s breathing was affected and his core muscles were dying. As a result, a feeding tube was put in on July 4th - so changes happened quickly. For us, it was Faith, Family, Friends, and the ALS Society that helped us get through it. Family members and friends immediately came asking what they could do to help out and continued to be at our side until the end. It was the ALS Society that made Ed’s life as comfortable as possible by providing the necessary equipment that was needed at various stages of his journey with this disease.

From the first visit to the Misericordia Hospital to the very end and beyond, the ALS Society and the ALS Clinic were there for us and in-fact still are. The Team at the Clinic was always caring, attentive, and compassionate. They could anticipate what would be needed in the near future and helped us to prepare for it with emotional support and equipment. Sonja at the Clinic was a true advocate in getting breathing equipment as Ed’s needs changed. She even designed a neck brace to hold the breathing tube so that Ed didn’t have to hold it.

Christy and Brandee with the ALS Society were always ‘a step ahead’ of what would be needed next. From the Bi-Pap machine, “Big Bertha” (breathing assist machine), to the wheelchair, the lift chair, the bath assist equipment, and even eating utensils - they all came in a timely fashion. A lift was retro-fitted and installed so that we could get Ed and the wheelchair to ground level; allowing us to keep appointments and outings. Even something as simple as the delivery for Isosource (Ed’s food supplement) was made. All of these things made a huge impact on Ed’s daily life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

The “Staying In Touch” program is a beautiful program not only to receive support but to offer support to one another. Tears and laughter are shared by those going through the same situation. Friendships are made. And how rewarding it is to see progress made from one visit to another! This is another added program provided by the Society. Thank You!
We can return our thanks by volunteering in The Walk To End ALS and the ALS Society of Alberta Casino Events. Not only are we helping in fundraising but we are making a difference in helping the ones that helped us in the time of our need. Thank You & God bless!!!