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Making it Possible - Neil Bridge


Making it Possible, June 15 - Neil Bridge

First thing - I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a very supportive family and friends and lots of good memories. My wife is amazing, she puts up with me every day and supports me when I am having an off day. My two children and their partners have also been great. My four grandchildren are also involved. I have been able to get to most of my oldest grandson’s football games with help from my wife and his parents. My oldest granddaughter is a delight, she has excelled academically and is an amazing young woman. My two younger grandchildren are showing a lot of promise also.

I have a power wheelchair that the ALS Society of Alberta helped me acquire and I have stairlifts on loan from them. The ALS Society has been so supportive, I would not be as comfortable as I am without them. The support of Alberta Health is also quite remarkable. As I said, I have a lot to be thankful for. I try to be positive every day and show my appreciation for all that is being done for me, to be miserable and hard to live with is not in my DNA. That attitude has served me well. It is no one’s fault that I am sick.

My feeble attempt at poetry is:
I can't hear I can't walk
I can't see I can't talk
Other than that I'm in great shape.